On August 12, 1943, a momentous occasion unfolded in the world of infantry uniforms. The long-awaited arrival of the M-43 jacket marked a significant shift towards a more considerate approach to field jackets. This iconic garment not only embodied the essence of sophistication, but also catered to the needs of the enlisted man like never before.
Just like its predecessor, the M-1943 retained its lightweight nature, making it an ideal wind-breaking layer suitable for various climates. However, what truly set this jacket apart was the meticulous attention given to the gentleman’s requirements during its design process. Resulting in a masterpiece that boasted enhanced functionality and increased versatility.
One of the most remarkable features of the M-43 jacket was its ability to accommodate multiple layers underneath. This ingenious design allowed the wearer to adapt to changing weather conditions, ensuring their comfort and protection in the field.
Whether it was the biting cold of winter or the unpredictable gusts of spring, the M-43 jacket stood as a steadfast companion, shielding its wearer from the elements with unparalleled elegance.
This particular piece has been repaired within the Fox design room, undergoing many modifications to bring the jacket back to wearable condition for many years to come. In fact, this M-1943 Field Jacket has had over 30 hours of transformations.
The collar has been repaired and patched with Fox Khaki cloth, a hard-wearing fabric reminiscent of the initial design. Any missing buttons have been replaced with classic style olive versions, any visible tears and holes have been carefully stitched and mended, the worn seams have been addressed and repaired. Whilst, the original heavy duty inner pockets have been retained for their versatile nature and original character.
Experience the allure of a timeless design and embark on a sartorial journey like no other, with its one-of-a-kind Fox alterations.
Condition: Repaired (Wearable Standards)
Colour: OD Green
Fabric/Material: Original cotton body teamed with Fox Khaki cloth repairs
Decade: 1940s
Pit to Pit: 21"
Outer Sleeve: 24"
Shoulder to Shoulder: 19.5"
Nape to Hem: 28.5"